Friday, September 26, 2008


I've just started the 23 Things program. So far I have watched the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners demonstration. I found the presentation to be a little slow although there was some useful information regarding creating a personal learning plan.

Participants have been asked to comment on which habit among the 7 1/2 is easiest and which is hardest. I think the hardest for me will be Habit 1 - Begin with the end in mind. I often have an idea of what I want to acheive but until you do something you do not know where is will take you or what other opportunities with arise. The easiest will be Habit 6 - Use technology to your advantage. Technology has made so many things so much easier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strange - how #1 seems to be a lot of peoples' hardest and #6 their easiest!!

Aren't we an elite group??
